How To Boost The Immune System

How To Boost The Immune System

During this time it is crucial to keep your immune system in tip-top shape. 


It is the most important line of defence against viruses and other ailments. 

There may be widespread panic about the current situation in the world, but this does not have to be the case. With the right precautions, and knowing how to boost the immune system to keep healthy, we can get through it all.


What’s your immune system and why is it so important?

It consists of White blood cells, spleen, lymphatic vessels, tonsils, and bone marrow.
Working together as a unit to provide a specialized group of cells and substances that work with each other to guard the body against foreign intruders such as viruses, fungi, bacteria, chemicals, dust, and pollen.
It also helps guard the body against certain cancers and helps fix damaged tissue. If it is healthy and fully functional, it automatically protects us from infections and disposes of toxin-infected substances.

The immune system grows fully as we grow older. It is vulnerable to threatening organisms inside and outside the body.


What happens when it is down?

To put it simply, a weakened system means that the body’s soldiers are off duty, and the enemy can invade the city. This can have very destructive consequences.
A weakened system gives bacteria, germs, toxins, and other harmful organisms the chance to infiltrate and attack the body.


What are the symptoms of a weakened immune system?

  • Easily getting colds or flu.
  • Sinus problems.
  • Being easily susceptible to infectious diseases.
  • Unidentified infections in or on the body.
  • Anaemia skin eruptions or lesions.
  • Headaches.
  • Joint inflammation and swelling.


What causes your immune to become weaker?

The most common causes include…

  • Micro-nutrient deficiency

Every day the body replaces about 25% of its immune cells with new ones. The immune system uses several different vitamins and minerals to maintain itself. These micronutrients include vitamins, minerals, and plant chemicals. A lack of these micronutrients can have harmful effects on the system. A person can suffer from malnutrition even if they are obese and eating well.

  • Toxin Overload

The air around us is contaminated by toxic substances such as pesticides, cleaning agents and air pollution. These substances can enter our bodies through bad habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and even in our food!
The liver has the task to detoxify our body, but when there are too many toxic substances in the body, the liver cannot keep up with filtering out all the toxins. This causes a toxin build-up and damages the body tissue. We can thus conclude that toxins directly affect the immune system in a negative way.

  • High levels of stress

Stress causes the secretion of cortisol, the body’s stress hormone. These high-stress levels damage the immune system – a vicious cycle when someone is stressed about getting infected, as they then have less of a defence against it!
Stress over long periods of time, with prolonged high levels of cortisol, results in damage to the immune system. The body was not created to operate under prolonged stress.
Any kind of stress, whether physical or emotional, increases cortisol secretion, which puts our immune system under pressure.

  • Ageing 

As we get older, our immune system becomes weaker. This causes us to be more vulnerable to diseases. A poor diet and bad lifestyle habits cause a person’s immune system to weaken faster than it should.
However, all is not lost, as there are supplements on the market that help your immune system to function normally.

  • The Young Immune System

Babies and young children are susceptible to diseases as their immune systems are yet to develop fully. The infant receives important immunity factors from its mother through breastfeeding. Nutrients in the food that the mother eats can be directly transferred to the baby via breast milk. This means that the mother must keep her own immunity strong, as it will have a big influence on the immunity of the baby.

  • Use of antibiotics

Antibiotics do not only kill the bad flora in the digestive system, but also the good flora. This breaks down the immune system further since digestive health is closely linked to the overall health and immune system.
This is a big problem among children, as excessive amounts of antibiotics during childhood prevents the immune system from developing properly, resulting in complications later in life.

  • Not enough sleep

If a person suffers from a lack of sleep it causes the immune system to deteriorate rapidly. During sleep, the defence cells get restored. Thus, if a person does not get enough sleep the body does not have time to restore these cells and it results in a weakened immune system.


How do we boost our immune system to keep it healthy?

Treatment and maintenance of the immune system can be done by including simple activities into your daily routine. Here are some tips to keep the immune system in perfect condition…

  1. Follow a healthy, balanced style of eating with enough fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure high levels of antioxidants in the body.
  2. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption as far as possible.
  3. Exercise daily, but not too vigorously as the body then needs to recover from the exercise instead of building immunity.
  4. Drink plenty of water.
  5. Where possible, replace chemical products around you with natural household and toiletry products. These include things like insecticides, deodorants, air fresheners, soap, etc.
  6. Get plenty of sleep – 7 to 8 hours recommended.
  7. Instead of antibiotics, use natural medication for minor infections such as herbal and homoeopathic remedies.
  8. Get enough exposure to direct sunlight.
  9. Organize your life in such a way that you minimize stress. Consider things like time management, making time for relaxation or hobbies and make sure to do exercise as this decreases stress.
  10. Use the  Manna Immune Support will help to strengthen the immune system in a completely natural way.


Give your immune system a boost!

Manna Immune Support assists in the strengthening of the immune system, as it provides nutrients to build and repair the immune system.


What are the benefits of Manna Immune Support? 

  • Helps to strengthen the immune system to protect against viruses and other illness.
  • The ingredients have very high anti-oxidation properties.
  • It helps to provide nutrients for building and repairing the immune system.
  • It also helps to replace lost nutrients in a format that is rapidly absorbed by the body.we

Manna Immune Support is available at

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