3 Key Natural Remedies For Male Menopause

3 Key Natural Remedies For Male Menopause

Men also go through menopause.

It might not be exactly the same as female menopause, but it can be just as devastating. The male version of menopause is known as Andropause. It is about the same as menopause in women, except this time it is the testosterone levels that take a dive. Lower levels of testosterone mean less muscle mass, decreased sperm production, and a lower sex drive. A gradual decline in testosterone can usually be seen from round about the age of 30. This is what causes the so-called midlife crisis. A guy usually does things to prove to himself and everybody else that he is still a young man. Luckily there are natural remedies for male menopause to boost testosterone levels.


So before you go and buy yourself a brand new motorbike, try these 3 remedies for male menopause to boost your testosterone levels:

  1. Diet

You can kick up your energy levels by eating foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, low-fat diary and plant-based proteins. Also make sure you take in enough zinc through foods like pork shoulder, cashews, chick peas or a good zinc supplement. Try the Manna Diet for a well balanced, low-GI diet….

  1. Exercise

You should follow a proper workout routine that combines cardio and resistance training. Try doing 20-30 minutes or intense training each day, of which at least 3 days a week includes weight training. Learn about the main body changes during andropause…

  1. Natural Supplements

Manna Andropause Support was formulated with the best phyto-testosterone (plant derived testosterone) to boost your testosterone level the natural way without any side effects, during a mans andropause stage of life to prevent the embarrassing symptoms.

Manna Adropause Support helps:

      • Boost Testosterone levels naturally. Testosterone is a hormone in men that is responsible for maintaining bone density, muscle strength and mass, sex drive, sperm production and fat distribution.
      • Sleep better.
      • Increase diminished libido. Increasing testosterone helps to increase libido and sex drive.
      • Address erectile dysfunction
      • Stop menopausal weight gain
      • Stop muscle loss
      • Decrease Gynecomastia (male breasts)
      • Decrease irritable male syndrome
      • Stop memory loss
      • Counteract hot flashes
      • Decrease depression
      • Helps stop night sweats in men
      • Stop fatigue
      • Stop hair loss and stimulate hair growth


See what our customers say.

A very very good product and definitely very effective. My husband is very impressed and he recommends it to men with health problems in this area.-Unknown

Since my husband started to use Manna Andropause Support 6 months ago, he change for the better. My old hubby is back. His moods are much better and he sleeps better at night. He is less grumpy and even participate in family outings again. I can recommend this for your husband!-Unknown

I was on testosterone treatment prescribed by my doctor for 9 months. The problem is that the requirement for testosterone treatment can become permanent if continued with for too long. I stopped the testosterone treatment and started on Manna Andropause Supportabout a year ago. My libido, stamina and power increased to the extend that I now leg press 525 Kg already. The other muscle groups have also improved substantially.-Danie

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