How to Deal With Stress Induced Eczema

How to Deal With Stress Induced Eczema

Eczema is not a specific skin condition as often thought, but rather a name for different skin conditions which are normally in the form of rashes or outbreaks.

One of the leading causes for eczema is stress, and everybody has experienced stress at some time of their life. Whether it is due to your job, sport, family, finances, driving in the traffic, or studies – stress can be a nasty thing!

Common symptoms of stress are quickened breathing and heartbeat, muscles tensing up, profuse sweating, and shaky hands. However, another, usually not immediate result of stress is some form of eczema. This outbreak of eczema is due to hormones being released that switch off the immune system, which causes the body to become susceptible to ailments and health issues that include common illness and of course, eczema.


What is eczema?

It is not a specific skin disease, but a general name for a verity of skin outbreaks and rashes. The most common form is an allergic reaction called “atopic dermatitis”. There isn’t one specific cause for this, but it is known to be hereditary and often triggered by stress. It looks very unpleasant, but is not contagious.


Symptoms of Eczema

The first sign is parts of the skin becoming red and itchy. It can form anywhere, but usually appear on the hands, arms and behind the knees.

Be careful not to scratch it, as it can easily become inflamed and will break out if you do. When it is inflamed, it can lead to infections, as bacteria get into the tiny cracks. Eczema can start as early as infancy and may continue all the way into adulthood. It may also only appear during adulthood.


Stress and Eczema

Stress might not directly cause eczema, but it may increase the risk or even trigger underlying eczema breakouts. There seems to be a strong connection between the immune system and the fact that too much stress can shut down the immune system which leaves the body open to health incidents like eczema.

It has been found that the immune system is strongly related to the digestive system, and it is thus very important to make sure that your digestive system, or gut, is in good health.


When Does Eczema Usually Flare Up?

It seems that eczema usually gets worse during winter, or is more common amongst people who live in cold climates. The cold air and low humidity seems to make the skin very dry, which makes it much easier for eczema to appear.


Treating Eczema Naturally

  • Stress management –

Seeing that stress is one of the main triggers of eczema, the first step is to manage your stress. Adopting a hobby, sport, or some form of relaxation technique is a great way to decrease your stress levels. It is also advised to steer clear of common causes of stress wherever possible.

  • Treating the symptoms –

Don’t scratch the rashes, as this will make them worse. Keep them moisturized and avoid getting them sweaty or dirty.

  • Natural Supplements –

For stress management we recommend taking either the Manna Calmer Adult or Extra. Also, as mentioned above, the immune system revolves around the health of the digestive system and therefore we suggest taking the Manna GUT Support to reinstate healthy flora and essential digestive enzymes to the digestive tract. Try the Manna Diet in the free eBook to make healthy lifestyle changes.

Exercise and enough quality sleep is a very good method to control stress.

Use the Psoriasis Gel as a very effective natural topical treatment for itchy skin.

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