9 Danger Factors For A Diabetic Stroke

9 Danger Factors For A Diabetic Stroke

Diabetes and heart problems like heart attacks and stroke often go hand-in-hand.

There are however certain factors that can increase your risk of developing these issues, some of which can be controlled and others that cannot.


What is a stroke?

A stroke is what happens when the blood supply to your brain suddenly gets cut off. This usually happens due to a blood clot, which blocks the blood flow. This damages the brain tissue. Signs of a stroke include problems moving or controlling your body parts, pain, and numbness, memory and speech problems. The after-effects of a stroke can often include depression and other emotional problems.


How are diabetes and strokes related?

Diabetes can increase your risk of a stroke by up to 4 times. Luckily you can lower this risk by looking after yourself and taking care of your health.


The 9 Most Common Danger Factors For Diabetic Strokes Are:

  1. Being over the age of 55 years.

Although we cannot change our age, it does play a huge part in the risk of a stroke. That is why it is important to always follow a healthy lifestyle no matter your age.

  1. Previously having a stroke or mini-stroke.

Previous cases of strokes or mini-strokes can also put you in bigger danger of having another stroke. While this is also not something we can exactly control, if the stroke is related to diabetes then it is a sign of ongoing poor management of the blood sugar levels. This usually means poor eating habits and an inactive lifestyle.

  1. A family history of stroke or mini-stroke.

Genes can also play their part in the risk of a stroke. If you have a family history of stroke, you should take extra caution in avoiding other risk triggers which you can actively manage.

  1. Suffering from heart disease.

Heart disease is common among people with diabetes. And it also increases the risk of stroke. So, if you are diabetic and have a problem with heart disease, then there is a big risk for a stroke.
Learn How to Avoid Diabetic Heart Problems

  1. Having high blood pressure.

High blood pressure is a big cause of stroke, but luckily it is one that can be managed. Make sure you are actively doing as much as possible to keep blood pressure at an acceptable level in order to reduce the risk of stroke.

  1. Being overweight.

As with most other health issues, the risk of stroke can be increased severely by being overweight. This is definitely something that can be managed and should be managed. It is always a great idea to maintain a steady body weight.
Read about 6 Ways to Control Blood Sugar and Lose Weight

  1. High LDL cholesterol and low HDL cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol levels should be kept in check, as poor cholesterol levels can severely increase the chance of a stroke. Make sure to have your cholesterol checked regularly, and do everything you can to keep it under control.

  1. Not getting enough physical exercise.

A lack of exercise is very often a big factor in the risk of stroke. Make sure that you are getting at least 30-45 minutes of moderate to intense exercise per day, a minimum of 4 times per week.

  1. Smoking tobacco products.

If you are a smoker, it is wise to stop immediately. Smoking tobacco products put you at a very high risk of having a stroke.


What are the warning signs of a stroke?

If you know that you are at higher risk for a stroke, here are some common warning signs to look out for:

  • One side of the body feels weak or numb.
  • Suddenly becoming confused or disorientated.
  • Having difficulty with speech.
  • Dizziness combined with a loss of balance.
  • Not being able to see out of one or both eyes.
  • Seeing double.
  • Suddenly having a severe headache.

Here are 5 other Diabetic Dangers to Look Out For


How can you lower your risk of having a stroke?

In order to lower your risk of a stroke, you must get your blood sugar level, blood sugar level, and cholesterol level in check. You can do this by

  • Diet

Eating healthy and maintaining a healthy weight. Whether you are at a healthy weight or not, follow the Manna Diet.

  • Exercise

Increase your physical activity, even just by doing 30 minutes of exercise 4 times a week.

  • Hydration

Drink plenty of water, the rule of at least 8 glasses a day is a good and easy one to follow.

  • Manna Blood Sugar Support

Take a supplement like the Manna Blood Sugar Support to help keep blood sugar levels under control. It helps the body to slow-release the sugar from the food we eat. This means that blood sugar spikes and sugar crashes are eliminated, and energy levels stay balanced for longer. It can also help minimise cravings, which can help to put a stop unmindful eating.

Manna Blood Sugar Support is 100% organic & natural and works in a unique way by slowing down the absorption of glucose from the food you eat by up to 43%. In other words, Manna Blood Sugar Support reduces the GI of the food you eat by up to 43%.


Benefits of Manna Blood Sugar Support

  • Helps to maintain balanced blood sugar levels.
  • Keep you more satisfied after a meal, which means that the same meal can take you much further and cause you to eat less, which can help with natural weight loss.
  • Helps to control cravings.
  • Helping to keep energy levels constant.
  • Even blood sugar levels can help to prevent diabetic health complications.


Get the Manna Blood Sugar Support NOW at any of these outlets:

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