5 Dreaded Diabetes Skin Problems

5 Dreaded Diabetes Skin Problems

I think we can all agree that diabetes by itself is already a pain to deal with.

In this article I will show you how to deal with 5 of the most common diabetes skin disorders.


The most common diabetes skin problems are:

  • Scleredema diabeticorum
  • Diabetic Limited Joint Mobility
  • Acanthosis Nigricans
  • Eruptive Xanthomas
  • Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum.


Lets take a closer look at these diabetes skin problems…

  1. What is Scleredema diabeticorum?

It is a disorder where the skin on the neck and upper back hardens or thickens over time. If not treated, this condition can spread to the shoulders, chest, tummy, and even the face. It is generally not painful, but feeling is often loss in the affected parts. The skin also begins to look like an orange peel.

  1. How does Diabetic Limited Joint Mobility affect the skin?

In this disorder, the skin around the fingers becomes thick and it tightens to such an extent that the fingers cannot move properly or not move at all. It usually starts with just one finger, but can soon spread to all the fingers.

  1. How does Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum appear?

This diabetic issue is when yellow-brown patches form on the skin, especially around the feet, ankles and lower legs.

  1. What is Eruptive Xanthomas?

This can often be a problem for people who do not manage their blood sugar levels properly. Small patches and pimples start to form on the skin. These pimples and patches are yellow, and may spread to start forming one big patch.

  1. How does Acanthosis Nigricans form?

This is one of the most commonly found diabetic skin complications. It is characterized by grayish-black or brown patches of skin with a velvet feel. These patches usually form on the side of the neck, the genitals, or under the arms. So what do I do about these skin disorders?


Try these natural methods to get rid of diabetic skin disorders…

  • A Healthy Diet: 

Follow a healthy Low GI Diet, like the Manna Diet in order to help reduce the fluctuations in your blood sugar levels due to the food you eat.

  • Get Enough Exercise:

You should get at least 45 minutes of exercise each day to get blood sugar levels under control and the reduce insulin levels in the blood. 

  • Take Good, Natural Supplements:

A natural supplement like Manna Blood Sugar Support with each meal helps reduce high blood glucose and insulin levels. You can use the Manna Blood Sugar Support supplement with your current diabetic medication, but you need to monitor your sugar levels so that they dont drop too low.

As almost all skin problems are directly related to the health of your digestive system, we strongly recommend taking the Manna GUT Support supplement each day to reinstate healthy bacteria and digestive enzymes.

To reinstate the good bacteria in the gut, we have formulated Manna GUT Support, which includes not only the best and most needed probiotics, but also includes the most important digestive enzymes and an amino acid called L-Glutamine to repair the inside wall of the gut. This helps improve your immune system and lessens bloating and is an excellent supplement to help relief digestive disorders.


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