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Difficulty Concentrating

Concentration problems during menopause.
For those women suffering from concentration problems as a result of menopause, many times this symptom can feel as though it comes out of nowhere. This may be frightening it is unexpected. There are a variety of reasons why a woman may experience difficulty concentrating; however for women of menopausal age, hormonal fluctuations that occur naturally during this time period are the most likely suspect.
About Concentration Problems
Due to the fact that this symptom, though extremely common, can be subtle, it is helpful to first define what constitutes difficulty concentrating.
Difficulty concentrating is many times experienced as the inability to concentrate on everyday as well as unusual or complex tasks. Along with this, women may experience disorientation, general forgetfulness, and lost trains of thought.
This can be a cause for concern for many women who are accustomed to possessing the ability to concentrate, and may lead to problems in the workplace or in a woman´s personal life. In addition, women may feel some concern that this is an early sign of more serious conditions such as Alzheimers.
Common characteristics of concentration problems:
- Lost train of thought.
- Disorientation
- Fuzzy thinking.
- Forgetfulness.
- Inability to concentrate for long periods of time.
- Inability to focus on complex tasks.
Causes of Concentration problems:
While a number of factors may play a role in the incidence of difficulty concentrating, for women undergoing the menopausal transition the most likely cause is hormonal fluctuation. Estrogen in particular plays a key role in the function of the brain, for several reasons.
There are a number of neurotransmitters in the brain which regulate cognitive function, including heightened memory and ability to concentrate. Acetylcholine, serotonin, and norepinephrine have all been shown to regulate cognitive abilities. If there is a shortage in these neurotransmitters, there may be a decrease in cognitive function, leading to difficulty concentrating.
Estrogen has an effect on the production of all three of these neurotransmitters, as when estrogen levels are higher the production increases. Estrogen also stimulates blood flow to the brain.
In addition to the primary hormonal causes behind difficulty concentrating, many women may have concentration issues that stem from other menopausal symptoms.
Sleep disorders and fatigue can render a woman too exhausted to concentrate properly on daily tasks at hand.
Psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety, or panic disorders can also have a hand in difficulty concentrating. When a woman is under stress she may not be able to focus to her best abilities.
Related Menopausal Symptoms:
- Sleep Disorders
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Pain Disorders
- Hot Flashes
Other Causes of Concentration problems:
- Natural Aging
- Hyperactivity Disorders
- Drug Use
- Poor Nutrition
- Neurological Disorders
Though the main cause of difficulty concentrating is attributed to the fluctuations in estrogen that influence
neurotransmitter levels in the brain; there are a host of other factors that may also influence a woman´s level of
concentration. If experiencing difficulty concentrating for any combination of the factors listed above, it is beneficial to
note that there are indeed treatment options available.
Treatment for concentration problems during Menopause:
- Lifestyle Changes
- Manna Menopause Support Supplement, with 100% natural phyto-estrogens.