Electric Shocks

Electric Shocks

Electric Shocks and Menopause

Many women experience electric shock sensations during menopause. It can affect the head and/or the layers of tissue under the skin. This menopausal symptom may occur in isolation or it may precede a hot flash, which is a common symptom characterized by a sudden and intense feeling of heat in the body.

Though researchers still face the task of better understanding this menopausal symptom, some evidence suggests that sensations of electrical shocks are the result of changing hormone levels during menopause, which has a direct effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Sensations of electric shocks during menopause are often described in the manner shown at the right.

These sensations often last a brief time. Many women report that electric shocks occur just before a hot flash episode.
In order to better understand this strange symptom of menopause, it may help to understand the function of electrical impulses in the body and the effect of menopause-related hormonal changes on such action.


Electricity and the body

In the late 1700s, Italian anatomist Luigi Galvani discovered scientific evidence of a bioelectric force within living tissue. Since this breakthrough discovery, several scientists have proposed theories about electricity in the human body.

One of the prevailing theories follows that electrical impulses in the central and peripheral nervous systems are sent from one nerve to another with the help of electrically-charged salts passing through ion channels.


Electric-based Medical Technology

  • EKG (electrocardiogram)
  • Artificial Pacemakers
  • X-rays
  • Radiation
  • Hearing Aids

Because of this electrical quality of the body, physiological disturbances characteristic of menopause can result in abnormal electrical sensations. Please read on to learn more about the causes of electric shocks during menopause.


Causes of Electrical Shocks

During menopause, hormonal fluctuations have a direct and proven effect on the nervous system. Changing levels of estrogen, one of the main reproductive hormones imbalanced during menopause, can affect the nerve tissue, potentially causing women to feel sensations of electric shocks. Some researchers postulate that misfiring of the neurons in the nervous system may be responsible for feeling electrical shocks during menopause.

Hormone imbalance during menopause can also disturb the hypothalamus in the brain, producing vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes. Electric shocks in menopause are often experienced as a precursor to hot flash episodes


Treatment for Menopausal Symptoms:

Manna Menopause Support is available at: