Menopausal Hot Flushes During Winter?

Menopausal Hot Flashes During Winter?

Hot flushes can turn a cold winter day into a heat-wave nightmare.


Even though it doesn’t seem to make sense, cold weather can actually be more to blame for hot flushes than warm weather.


How does cold weather cause hot flushes?

You would imagine that cold weather helps keep hot flushes away. This is not the case seeing that hot flushes and other menopause symptoms are in reality caused by fluctuating hormone levels inside the body.

 So what triggers these hormones to make you feel hot in the winter?

The simple answer is sudden changes in temperature.

Picture yourself walking outside early in the morning to take out the garbage bin before you get ready for work. The air is so cold that every time you breathe out it looks like you are smoking three cigarettes at once. You hurry back inside to the comfort of your warm, cosy home.

But instead of feeling warm and cosy, you are struck with a sudden heat wave, your face turns red, and beads of sweat start to form on your forehead.


Why Does This Happen?

It is all thanks to a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This tiny part at the base of the brain is vital to many functions in the body like sleep, hunger, mood, sex drive, and yes – temperature control.

The hypothalamus helps produce all the hormones that are necessary to perform these bodily functions. But when the estrogen levels in the body decrease during menopause, it can cause a glitch in the hypothalamus.

This glitch means that the hypothalamus is not able to accurately measure and regulate the body’s temperature.

The hypothalamus thinks that the body is too hot or too cold and then takes action in order to rectify this problem and get the body to a normal temperature.

In the case of hot flashes, the hypothalamus thinks that the body is too hot and needs cooling down. It then sends more blood closer to the surface of the skin, which causes you to become red in the cheeks and feel warm in your face.

It also sends the sweat glands working overtime, which is why you might find yourself in a puddle of sweat when it is 5 degrees outside.

The opposite may also be true. The hypothalamus might also regulate your body temperature in such a way that you start feeling even colder.

This is a bit more than just a shiver down your spine. It is a deep frozen-to-the-bone type cold. And don’t think that turning up the heating and snuggling up under your duvet is going to help much to make you feel warm in this case…


How can I prevent these hot flushes from happening during winter?

  1. Know the triggers of hot flushes:

      • Spicy foods like peppers and spices are always something to be wary of.
      • Warm environments like saunas or overly heated rooms.
      • Devices that give off heat such as fireplaces, hair dryers, and heaters.
      • Stress caused by work, finances, relationships or anything else.
      • Anxiety or other emotional stressors.
      • Smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products.
      • Overconsumption of caffeine, alcohol, and sugar.
      • Diet pills.

There are also certain precautions you can take to minimise the risk of hot flushes flaring up…

  1. Take precautions against hot flushes:

      • Have a cooling device on standby in your home. Air conditioning, ceiling fans, floor fans, and even small personal handheld fans are good to have at your disposal.
      • Avoiding being rushed. It can quickly raise the body’s temperature and trigger a hot flush episode.
      • Keep ice water or a cold beverage on hand during the day and night.
      • Take a cool shower before bed.
      • Use cotton sheets and avoiding silk or synthetics.

However, the best way to keep hot flushes at bay is to treat them at the root cause…

  1. Fight Hot Flushes at the root cause:

      • Eat a balanced diet, like the Manna Diet which can help to eliminate sugar and refined carbohydrates
      • Aim for a vitamin E intake of 800mg/day
      • Consider B vitamin levels
      • Increase soy protein intake
      • Stay hydrated – drink enough clean water
      • Exercise regularly


But the easiest and most effective way to treat menopausal hot flushes…

A secret weapon called Manna Menopause Support.

Manna Menopause Support helps to…

  • Relieve hot flushes, leaving you feeling less sweaty
  • Balance mood fluctuation
  • Increase energy levels, helping you get through the day easier
  • Increase Libido
  • Reverse vaginal dryness
  • Deeper Sleep
  • Improve memory and brain function
  • Helps to manage stress
  • Help increase stamina
  • Helps reduce osteoporosis


What is Manna Menopause Support?

It is not a medicine or an HRT (hormone replacement therapy), but an all-natural plant-based dietary supplement which can help the body to manufacture estrogens to counteract the natural menopause cycle and its related symptoms.


Why does the Manna Menopause Support work?

The combination of the all-natural ingredients help to increase the estrogen levels in a completely natural way. When this happens, you are treating the menopause at its root cause.


How does each of the ingredients help to treat menopause?

  • Eucalyptus Bark Extract(Flavonoids and Polyphenols)

It is a super anti-Oxidant which helps to boost the immune system.

Polyphenols help to overcome the symptoms of menopause, including hot flushes. It also assists in the prevention and fighting of osteoporosis and breast cancer.

  • Soy Bean Isoflavones (Phyto-estrogen)

The main components of soy are proteins, soybean oil, and carbohydrates.

These are healthy components, but soy Isoflavones are responsible for many health benefits.

  • Maca Root (Phyto-estrogen)

This so-called “Peruvian Ginseng” is from South America and is rapidly gaining attention for its success in supporting energy, stamina, libido, and with hormone balancing for women.

Maca is used for menopausal symptoms, menstrual disorders, and as an aphrodisiac. It acts as an energizer and anti-stress agent.

  • Calcium lactate (Calcium supplement)

Calcium Lactate may be administered in low blood calcium levels (Hypocalcaemia), Osteoporosis, and Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis Prevention.

  • Vitamin D (Cancer preventive effect)

This little wonder of a vitamin plays a central role in many body processes and is on the A-list for menopausal women. Studies have linked it to preventing heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer and weight gain. If that seems like a lot of prevention in one little vitamin, it is. The problem, though, is that as many as half of adults are deficient in vitamin D and are therefore not benefiting from it. Manna Menopause Support has enough vitamin D to meet your recommended daily requirements.

  • Vitamin E (Anti-oxidant)

Vitamin E is an essential anti-oxidant required by the body. It helps to minimize the effects of menopausal symptoms, especially hot flushes and night sweats. It acts as a substitute for estrogen and works in perfect synergy with the rest of the ingredients in Manna Menopause Support to offer wholesome relief from menopause and its symptoms.  


If you want to get rid of menopausal hot flushes, get the Manna Menopause Support today!

The Manna Menopause Support is available at these outlets:

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