pH Balance

Manna pH Balance

The natural way to get rid of acidity and balance the body’s pH levels

This formulation of the highest quality natural & organic ingredients was specifically designed to balance the pH of the body

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“Great product. The initial pain that I have been experiencing in my knee is 95% gone. Just a little niggle but this is just after 6 days. Fantastic.”


What is Manna pH Balance?

The use of botanical and herbal medicines as a complementary approach to assist in the balancing of pH in the human body has been increasing, possibly because of the adverse effects associated with the use of chemical medication.

This formulation of the highest quality natural ingredients was specifically designed to help reduce high acid levels and support the balancing of the body’s pH levels, assisting in the relief of arthritis symptoms like osteoarthritis and gout.

The product is FREE from ALL major potential allergens and is free of ANY additives.

How does it work?

Manna pH Balance helps to increase the rate of acid excretion and to reduce the inflammatory response. The product also assists kidney blood flow rate. The different ingredients work in a synergistic manner to reduce acidity and balance the pH of the human body.

Benefits of Manna pH Balance

  • Helps to reduce high acid levels in the body
  • Assists in the relief of arthritis symptoms
  • Helps to relieve gout and gout-related symptoms
  • Assists in the relief of osteoarthritis
  • Balances the pH of the body

“Ever Since I started Using Manna pH Balance I knew I got the right and quality product when I noticed that the pain and burning in my legs and feet was gone from the high purine acid I had in my body, I can recommend manna pH balance to any person with a high purine acid, it does the job.”


Ingredients of Manna pH Balance

If you observe the ingredients below, you will see why this product is formulated for ultimate pH Balance enhancement. We only use 5 ingredients in the product to get the highest effect from each individual ingredient.

Eucalyptus extract (Flavonoids and Polyphenols) (1)

The Anti-Oxidant properties (ORAC Value) in the Flavonoids and Polyphenols from this natural Eucalyptus extract is even higher than grape seed extract. The Anti-Viral and Anti-Inflammatory properties are also very high, assisting in the relief and fighting of inflammation caused by high uric acid levels.

Papaya extract (2)

It is also very rich in antioxidant nutrients Flavonoids and carotenes, very high in vitamin C plus A, and low in calories and sodium. Papaya extract helps to increase acid excretion via the kidneys.

Aloe Ferox gum (Aloe Bitters) (3,4)

Aloe bitters is a strong anti-inflammatory substance which help with the balancing of pH in the body and acts as an antibiotic, with strong detoxifying properties.

Curcuma longa folia (Turmeric) (5)

The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Parsley (6)

Parsley acts as a natural diuretic which can help your body flush out excess uric acid from your bloodstream through your kidneys and urinary tract, thus supporting kidney function.


“As a long time sufferer of gout attacks on a regular basis I tried almost every known remedy proven or unproven when I read about Manna PH BALANCE I thought well what have got to loose I have purchased many others with minor or no results so let me give it a try. Ordered my first batch 4 months ago and have not had one single attack on my next three month batch, I only take two tablets a day in the morning and no side affects, only complete relief. I would recommend it and do to any GOUT sufferers. It’s simply a magical substance. Working for me.”

Mark Hancock

Buy Manna pH Balance online now!

Manna pH Balance is Available at


“My husband suffers from gout, he has to take puricos daily but he has had side effects from the medicine. SInce he has been using the PH balance he hasn’t had any attacks and there are no side effects. “


How to take Manna pH Balance?


1 caplet 3 times per day, with food

Who can Use it?

Anyone suffering from high acid levels, gout, gout symptoms, arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc. can use it.

How Safe is it?

The ingredients in the product are all sourced from reliable, GMP certified suppliers. Each ingredient is tested for chemical compounds, like fumigation, pesticides or herbicides.

All the ingredients are seen as dietary ingredients and also regarded as safe to use.

Also, you cannot overdose on the product.

Can I use it with my current medication?

This product can be used in conjunction with any other medication. When on Warfarin, take the product 2 hours before or 2 hours after the Warfarin.


“This has totally changed my life regarding the acid in my body and the impact it had on my daily life. I have acid relief within 20 min after taking a capsule. I drink one 4 times per day and so keep my body in constant balance. If I forget to drink one, I start feeling the uncomfartable symptoms within the hour, so I know immediately how to rectify it. Super, super stuff.”


Buy Manna pH Balance online now!

Manna pH Balance is Available at


“Ph balance has helped me tremendously as I used to struggle with gout it reduces my acid levels”



  1. ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY AND PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF EUCALYPTUS TERETICORNIS BARK AND LEAF METHANOLIC EXTRACTS – International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research Volume 4, Issue 2, September – October 2010; Article 021
  2. Effects of a short term supplementation of a fermented papaya preparation on biomarkers of diabetes mellitus in a randomized Mauritian population – Prev Med. 2012 May;54 Suppl:S90-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2012.01.014. Epub 2012 Feb 11
  3. Vazquez B, et al. Anti-inflammatory activity of extracts from aloe vera gel. J Ethnopharmacol. 1996;55:69-75.
  4. Cowan D. Oral Aloe vera as a treatment for osteoarthritis: a summary. Br J Community Nurs. 2010;15(6):280-2.
  5. Safety and anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin: a component of turmeric (Curcuma longa) – J Altern Complement Med. 2003 Feb;9(1):161-8.
  6. Effects of Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) and its Flavonol Constituents, Kaempferol and Quercetin, on Serum Uric Acid Levels, Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress and Liver Xanthine Oxidoreductase Aactivity inOxonate-Induced Hyperuricemic Rats – Iran J Pharm Res. 2011 Autumn; 10(4): 811–819.