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Manna T-Boost
Get a natural boost to your ED problem
The ingredients used in T-Boost can help to increase erection and libido, promote prostate health, as well as bladder health.
Manna T-Boost is Available at
“Works like magic my testosterone levels has gone higher I now feel like my young self again, great product “
What is Manna T-Boost?
Olive Leaf Extract (Olea europaea (oleuropein) – 20%)
Olive leaf extracts and their oleuropein constituents are best known for their blood pressure-lowering effects, but the latest studies reveal their health benefits extend well beyond that. Additional anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties offer promise in fighting atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and even arthritis.
- An amazing side effect of oleuropein is an increased libido, which could be very good news for all men struggling with erectile dysfunction.
Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens fructus extract)
The main action of this herb is to block 5-alpha-reductase, the enzyme responsible for converting dwindling levels of available testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), another androgen hormone that signals hair follicles to enter into a state of permanent rest.
DHT also triggers inflammation and cell proliferation in the prostate, events that compound in saw palmetto counter with the inhibition of DHT as well as the enzymes COX-2 and 5-lipoxygenase.
Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus extract)
Siberian ginseng is a plant used throughout history in China and Russia. As a herbal remedy, the root of Siberian ginseng is known to stimulate the immune system, increase energy and reduce fatigue.
“Outstanding results after 4 days. I have tried numerous products but this really works and helped with my ED without any side effects”
How does Manna T-Boost work?
The ingredients used in T-Boost can help to increase erection and libido, promote prostate and bladder health. Olive leaf extracts and their oleuropein constituents are best known for their blood pressure-lowering effects, but a side effect is an increased libido. Saw Palmetto helps to increase testosterone and Siberian Ginseng helps to increase energy.
How Does It Work?
When taken with food, the supplement gels with the food in the stomach to reduce the slow down rate at which glucose from the food is released into the bloodstream.
In other words, the product helps to reduce the glycemic index of the food and drink you consume by up to 43%.
Thus, in short – it helps to slow release energy.
Benefits of Manna T-Boost
- Helps to increase testosterone levels in the most natural way, without side effects
- Helps to improve cardio vascular health
- Improve immune function
- Assists in prostatic health and bladder problems
- Helps to combat fatigue and increase energy levels
- Helps to increase erection and libido
“the product as well as the service is remarkable and I do recommend it, works extremely well for men over 50, the service can be trusted, delivery within 2 to 3 days.”
R Niemand
Buy Manna T-Boost online now!
Manna Andropause and T-Boost Special
Rated 4.50 out of 5
Manna T-Boost 3 Month Special
Rated 4.71 out of 5
Manna T-Boost is Available at
“Thank-you for an excellent product like the T-Boost. My husband find it very helpful. He was diagnose with prostate cancer and receive Brachytherapy to cure it, very successful. However he experience some problems afterwards and the Urologists just said ‘it is a side effect ‘! As I am a longtime user of Manna products, I received your newsletter weekly and always read it with interest. We read about Andropause and T-BOOST and decided to try it. That was a good decision and my husband is a happy man again.”
What is Low Testosterone?
Testosterone isn’t the only fuel for a man’s sex drive and performance. But low testosterone can reduce your ability to have satisfying sex. Lack of sex drive and erectile dysfunction are sexual problems that can result from low testosterone.
If low testosterone is the cause, treating it can help. Researchers haven’t unravelled the mystery of just how testosterone increases libido. It’s normal for a man’s sex drive too slowly decline from its peak in his teens and 20s, but libido varies widely among men. What one man might consider a low sex drive, another might not.
Also, sex drive changes within each man over time and is affected by stress, sleep, and opportunities for sex. For these reasons, defining a “normal” sex drive is next to impossible.
Usually, the man himself identifies a lack of sex drive as a problem. Other times, his partner may consider it to be an issue.
Low Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction
Surprisingly, low testosterone by itself rarely causes erectile dysfunction, or ED. Low testosterone alone – with no other health problems – accounts for a small minority of men with erectile dysfunction.
Erection problems are usually caused by atherosclerosis – hardening of the arteries. If damaged, the tiny blood vessels supplying the penis can no longer dilate to bring in the strong flow needed for a firm erection. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol are the three main causes of atherosclerosis and erectile dysfunction.
At the same time, low testosterone is a frequent accomplice to atherosclerosis in creating erectile dysfunction. In studies, as many as one in three men mentioning ED to their doctor have low testosterone. Experts believe that in men with other factors causing erectile dysfunction, low testosterone can strongly contribute, making a difficult situation even worse.
Strengthening the connection, low testosterone is linked in some way with many of the conditions that lead to erectile dysfunction:
- Metabolic syndrome (Insulin Resistance)
- Obesity
- Endothelial dysfunction
- Diabetes
Although low testosterone isn’t known to cause them, the associations between other medical conditions and low testosterone can be significant.
“My Man struggles with bladder problems in general. And since I got him the T Boost he has much more comfort in his bladder. I highly recommend this product for men as a general health product and to make this part of their everyday use.”
How to take Manna T-Boost
It depends on the severity of the erectile dysfunction/libido problem. We recommend 2 capsules each day, but you can start with 4 capsules with breakfast for the first week.
Normal dosage is 2 capsules with breakfast.
Who can use T-Boost?
The formulation of T-Boost can be beneficial to all men over the age of 40, but younger men can also use it if they struggle with libido and erectile problems.
You should experience results from day 4, but it can happen sooner.
The formulation of T-Boost can be beneficial to all men over the age of 40, but younger men can also use it if they struggle with libido and erectile problems.
Safety of T-Boost
The T-Boost formulation is regarded as safe, but when you are on medication for high blood pressure or cholesterol medication, it is recommended that you talk to your doctor before starting with this supplement.
Can T-Boost be used with other medication?
Yes, T-Boost can be used in conjunction with other medication, but it is advisable to talk to your doctor before using the supplement with your medication.
“My husband started using T Boost a week ago. Hey as the wife I noticed a difference already lol. Lucky me. “
Shahida Jacobs
Buy Manna T-Boost online now!
Manna T-Boost
R331.00Rated 4.88 out of 5
Manna Andropause and T-Boost Special
Rated 4.50 out of 5
Manna T-Boost 3 Month Special
Rated 4.71 out of 5
Manna T-Boost is Available at
“Excellent product “
Elisha Mokawane
Olive Leaf Extract
- Omar SH. Oleuropein in olive and its pharmacological effects. Sci Pharm. 2010;78(2):133-54.
- Wahle KW, Caruso D, Ochoa JJ, Quiles JL. Olive oil and modulation of cell signalling in disease prevention. 2004 Dec;39(12):1223-31.
- Waterman E, Lockwood B. Active components and clinical applications of olive oil. Altern Med Rev. 2007 Dec;12(4):331-42.
- Hamdi HK, Castellon R. Oleuropein, a non-toxic olive iridoid, is an anti-tumor agent and cytoskeleton Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2005 Sep 2;334(3):769-78.
Saw Palmetto
- Wilt TJ, Ishani A, Rutks I, MacDonald R. Phytotherapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Public Health Nutr. 2000 Dec;3(4A):459-72.
- Habib FK, Ross M, Ho CK, Lyons V, Chapman K. Serenoa repens (Permixon) inhibits the 5alpha-reductase activity of human prostate cancer cell lines without interfering with PSA expression. Int J Cancer. 2005 Mar 20;114(2):190-4.
Siberian Ginseng
- Arushanian EB, Shikina IB. Improvement of light and color perception in humans upon prolonged administration of eleutherococcus. Eksp Klin Farmakol. 2004;67(4):64-6.
- Bleakney TL. Deconstructing an adaptogen: Eleutherococcus senticosus. Holist Nurs Pract. 2008 Jul-Aug;22(4):220-4. Review.