What are the Dangers of High Cholesterol?

what are the dangers of high cholesterol

Picture a serene afternoon in a park, where the vibrant hues of autumn dance with the gentle breeze.

Amidst the rustling leaves and chirping birds, a grandfather strolls along the winding path, his hand clasped firmly in the tiny grip of his grandchild.

Yet, amidst the idyllic scene, there lies a subtle undercurrent of discomfort—a twinge in the grandfather’s leg, initially dismissed as mere fatigue, the sensation gradually intensifies, morphing into a persistent ache that encroaches upon his enjoyment.


What could be the cause of a painful leg?

This pain can be an indicator of atherosclerosis, a dangerous build-up of cholesterol, lipids, and other deposits on the inner walls of arteries. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry oxygen rich blood from the heart to other parts of the body.

People who have atherosclerosis in their coronary arteries (heart) often have cholesterol buildup elsewhere in their body too. This plaque build-up can lead to conditions like carotid artery disease (neck) and peripheral artery disease, ( limbs), which can decrease blood flow through the arteries. Contrary to common belief, this disease not only affects the elderly.


Who can be affected by atherosclerosis?

Imagine the epitome of physical fitness: an athlete, pushing boundaries, breaking records, and defying limits. Yet, amidst the glory of athletic prowess, there exists a silent antagonist—high cholesterol, quietly insinuating its influence, often unnoticed until it manifests in unexpected ways.

Research done by different universities states that this plaque buildup starts in the teens and 20s, and by the 30s changes can be seen in most people. A study of 300 autopsies on US military personnel recovered from the Korean War in 1950 found that 77% showed clear and visible signs of atherosclerosis. These were fit, young men with an average age of 22 years old; showing that this is a disease which can affect people of any age.


Why atherosclerosis (high cholesterol) is dangerous

Plaque that builds up in an artery, is called atherosclerosis, and causes poor blood circulation, especially in your lower extremities. This buildup of fats, cholesterol, and other substances in and on the artery walls does not happen overnight. It is a gradual process. Plaque may reduce or fully block the flow of oxygen-rich blood through arteries to the body’s vital organs and the limbs.

  • When cholesterol builds up in the arteries in the heart, they become narrow, it can cause a condition called “angina.”
  • If the arteries that carry blood to the legs become narrow, it can cause pain.
  • Sometimes blood clots or blood vessels rupture in the brain, causing a stroke or a mini-stroke.
  • Plaques can cause a clot or blockage in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. This can damage the heart and lead to heart failure.
  • Xanthomas are thick, yellow patches that can appear on the skin, especially around the eyes. They’re made of cholesterol and often happen in people who have a family history of high cholesterol.

The buildup of plaque restricts the normal flow of blood throughout the body, particularly in the legs. If left untreated, a blocked artery can cause severe medical complications such as pain, blood clots, stroke and even amputation.


Symptoms of atherosclerosis (high cholesterol) include:

Symptoms do not always appear in such a way that doctors can identify them simply by sight or even touch. When symptoms of atherosclerosis, a typical consequence of high cholesterol levels, are present it acts as an identification of high cholesterol.

About 1 in 4 people with atherosclerosis in the legs experience common symptoms of the condition and about 1 in 5 people who have peripheral artery disease (PAD) do not report any symptoms. No matter the symptoms, everyone with PAD shares the same high risk of cardiovascular disease. Without treatment, PAD may cause sores, infections, and even the loss of a limb.

Lower extremity PAD may cause muscle pain or feelings of weakness and heaviness in your legs, that begins when you are physically active, such as walking, and stops within minutes when you are resting.


Symptoms of PAD can vary, but here are a few common ones:

  • Toenails and leg hair may stop growing.
  • One foot may feel colder than the other.
  • Your foot or leg may become pale, discoloured, or blue.
  • Leg weakness or numbness may make you feel off-balance or make it harder to walk. 
  • Cramping in your legs that comes when walking or climbing stairs and goes away while resting. 
  • You may have pain or a feeling of pins and needles in your leg or foot. 
  • The pain is often in the calf, but you may also feel it in your buttocks, thigh, or foot.
  • Sores or wounds on your toes, feet, or legs may appear, may heal slowly, or may not heal at all. The sores may become infected.

 It is therefore important to have your cholesterol levels tested, should you be aware of the above symptoms, as you may have plaque buildup in arteries, leading to and from your heart and brain, putting you at higher risk of stroke or heart attack.


How to prevent High Cholesterol?

As the well-known proverb says: Prevention is better than cure!

We should train our children in the benefits of wholesome food, from childhood it is important to make wise food choices. Our bodies produce roughly 2 grams of cholesterol each day which makes up about 85% of the total cholesterol in the bloodstream. The remaining 15% comes from what we eat and drink, specifically from the fats we eat, but not all fats are healthy.


Good Fats / Bad Fats

To understand good and bad fats, you need to know the names of the players and some information about them. There are four major types of fats: Mono-unsaturated fats and poly-unsaturated fats are known as the “good fats” because they are good for your heart, your cholesterol, and your overall health. 

Saturated fats and trans fats found in processed foods are known as the “bad fats” because they increase your risk of disease and elevate the bad cholesterol. Appearance-wise, saturated fats and trans fats tend to be solid at room temperature (like margarine), while mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats tend to be liquid (like olive oil). 

If you are concerned about your weight or heart health, rather than avoiding fat in your diet, try replacing saturated fats and trans fats with good fats. This might mean replacing some of the meat you eat with beans and legumes, or using olive oil rather than butter. Try to eliminate trans fats from your diet. Check food labels for trans fats. 

There is a common misconception as to what sort of food causes cholesterol problems, as some foods do contain cholesterol like eggs, kidneys and certain seafood. However, this is not what causes high cholesterol. The big culprits are saturated fats and sugars.

Examples of foods that are high in saturated fats are pastries and pies, hard cheese, cakes, biscuits etc.


What about sugar?

A big cause of cholesterol build-up is sugar. Sugar is not only the sugar you use in your coffee or tea, but it is the sugar found in products such as soft drinks, candy and energy drinks. People often forget that even if it does not taste sweet, our digestive system breaks carbohydrates down into glucose. This includes things such as pasta, rice, bread, potato crisps and fast food. They contain high amounts of sugar since they consist of large amounts of carbohydrates, which is essentially sugar.


What should I eat then?

A Mediterranean type of diet offers numerous advantages for overall health and well-being. Rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and healthy fats like olive oil, this diet is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers. Its emphasis on fish and poultry as primary protein sources, along with moderate consumption of red wine, provides all the essential nutrients. 

Additionally, the Mediterranean diet focuses on plant-based foods and limited intake of processed foods and sugars. It supports weight management and reduces the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. 

Such nutrient-rich foods, in combination with a good supplement, and exercises foster a holistic approach to health.

There is no easy way to unclog an artery once plaque has built up. However, dietary choices, exercise, and by avoiding smoking, one can improve cardiovascular health and stop blockages from worsening. Medication may be advised.

Manna Cholesterol Support: The Natural Solution For High Cholesterol


What is Manna Cholesterol Support?

The use of botanical and herbal medicines as a complementary approach for the treatment of cholesterol has been steadily increasing, possibly because of the adverse effects associated with the use of chemical medication.

This formulation of the highest quality natural ingredients was specifically designed. It

  1. Helps to improve a healthy vascular system.
  2. Assist in the dissolving of LDL cholesterol in the arteries.
  3. Helps to increase HDL,
  4. Helps to dissolve lipid deposits on the inside walls of the arteries.

FREE from ALL major potential allergens and is free of ANY additives.

How does Manna Cholesterol Support work?

It helps with the micro-capillary blood flow. It may also decrease unwanted blood lipid levels and dissolve lipid deposits in arteries. The different ingredients work in a synergistic manner to help to reduce the unwanted blood lipid deposits in the arteries.

Benefits of Manna Cholesterol Support

  • Helps to improve a healthy vascular system.
  • May assist in dissolving LDL.
  • Helps to increase HDL
  • Helps to dissolve lipid deposits on the inside walls of the arteries.

Buy Manna Cholesterol Support at these outlets:

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